Bromford Forge, near Birmingham, drawn by Swedish traveller Reinhold Angerstein in 1753. Two fineries (front) and a chafery with hammermen (rear) are operating in the forge building. The Mayburys produced noted hammermen.
The earliest known ancestors of most Mayburys today were a family of skilled ironworkers living in Sussex, England, during the Elizabethan period. Always at the forefront of an expanding iron industry, Mayburys could be found in ironworks across England, Wales, Ireland and America by the 17th and early 18th century. By the 19th century, Mayburys in all walks of life were living in Britain, Ireland, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, establishing new branches of the family. In time, new Maybury families emerged, sometimes after adopting one or the other of a bewildering number of spellings of the Maybury name. Today, new insights into Maybury family history have been obtained from the MAYBURY DNA PROJECT and a comprehensive family history, THE MAYBURYS by Don Collins, was published in 2011. This website preserves much of the genealogical writings published online by the late Don Collins and features additional Maybury family history articles and updates.