Traces of Earlier Mayburys in America?
Rare instances may be Mayburys who either died or returned to England
There can be little doubt that Francis Maybury was the first of his surname to establish a family in America and that he is the ancestor of great majority of the Mayburys, Mayberrys, Maberrys, Maberys, Mabreys, Mabrys, etc. currently in America. There are a few instances, all of them in the Virginia Colony, where similar names are found in earlier records or traditions. However, it seems unlikely that more than one of two of these were actually members of the Maybury family. Rather, the spellings of the names we have found suggest that these were individuals from the Mowbray or Marbury families and not the Maybury family. Nevertheless, we note them here because of the possibility that future research might provide more satisfactory answers or point to a possible relationship with the Maybury family.
The earliest record found thus far is a passenger list for the ship Southampton which arrived in Virginia in 1622. Among those on the list is a Gilbert Marburie, age 32. Unfortunately, no further record of this individual has been found. Because of the spelling of his name, it may be that he was part of the Marbury rather than the Maybury family. Even so, the given name, Gilbert, is unknown even among those who have researched the Marbury family, most of whom came to Maryland at a later date.
Twenty-one years later, on May 22, 1643, William Storey received a headright grant for 250 acres on the West branch of the Nansamund (sic) River in Upper Norfolk County as a result of his having paid for the transportation of five persons into the Colony: Oliver White, John Skull, Karbery Kigan, Anthony Fletcher, and Richard Marbery. Again, this is likely a member of the Marbery, rather than the Maybury family. No additional record of this Richard Marbery ever been found.
The next reference, chronologically, is not a record, but another "tradition", shared with me by one Mabry researcher. According to this tradition, "the first Mabry arrived in America in 1650 aboard the Green Lyon, under Capt. Mark Beasle." Apparently, there is no given name associated with this tradition and we have not been able to find either the original source of this tradition or to confirm it with any additional evidence such as a passenger list.
Another Virginia record from the year 1658 lists a James Mebry, yeoman, among those who were bound to Richard Tench to serve for 6 years. Unfortunately, this is an incomplete record giving only the year and the colony. And again, we have no additional records in Virginia for a James Mebry or Mabry. Neither James Mebry nor Richard Tench is listed a grantee or a headright in the Patent records of Virginia.
The next reference to a Mabry is dated September 29, 1674 when Capt. Scarburgh, Edmund Scarburgh, and Mrs. Tabitha Brown received a headright grant for 8000 acres in Accomake County between Great and Little Matomkin Creeks for the transportation of 100 persons into the Colony. Among the names of persons transported is that of a Wm. Mabry. Again, we have found no additional records of this William Mabry anywhere in Virginia and thus have no idea what became of him. We can only assume that he may have died after a short time in Virginia or he may have returned to England.
Sixteen years later on October 23, 1690 Benjamin Eggleston received a headright grant of 595 acres in James City County near the Great Run of the Chickahomony River for the "importation of twelve persons". One of the twelve names on the list is Mill. Maybey. This may not be a Mabry since there is another family with the name Mabee that was in Virginia at an early date. It is of interest, however, because the land granted to Benjamin Eggleston was further described as being, "where Francis Storey liveth". We can only speculate on a possible relationship between Francis Storey and the William Storey who received the grant mentioned above in 1643. On October 24, 1701 Peter White received a grant of 355 acres on Pamunkey Neck on the Mattopony River in King and Queen County for the transportation of himself, his wife, Susannah, Eliza. Mowbery, Eliza. Kettley, Teague Norton, Wm. Smith, and Jasper Peal. As with the others mentioned above, no additional record has been found for this Elizabeth Mowbery in Virginia. However, there is a will of a Thomas Burnby written on 12 May 1687 in Pasquotank County, North Carolina to which an Elizabeth Mobry was a witness. While it is possible that these are two references to the same Elizabeth Mowbery/Mobry, it would mean that the headright grant to Peter White was granted at least fourteen years after he and the six other persons who came with him arrived in Virginia which does not seem likely. On the other hand, there is another will written by Ane Prouse in 1682 which was witnessed by Henry White, Arnould White, and William Mobory. Unfortunately, I have only the last page of this will and thus have no idea where it was written or if there was any relationship between Henry and Arnould White who witnessed the will in 1682 and Peter White who received the grant in 1701.
Don Collins
August 2014